It has been a while since we gave an update on life in the South…It has been even longer since I (Jermale) has wrote anything. A lot has been going on over the last month or so; I don’t even know where to start. Well, as you can see, I have given up on dread locks. I’ve had my hair twisted and ready to lock for about a year and nothing has happen, except it grew. As you can see by my Tito Jackson picture, I had lots of hair. That hair prohibited me from swimming, leaning back on furniture and from sleeping on the “good” pillow cases at home (it put bees wax and oil on everything). Anissa was not happy with a brotha! So now its cut and I’ve been getting cold a lot quicker lately. I also don’t recognize myself anymore.
We found out that we are having a baby boy! I am excited. Now I have to get something together so that my first born can have an inheritance, besides student loans. We got some great ultra-sound pictures-you can see them on this link http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2520099&id=2247339&l=d41d5. I am now starting to feel the baby kick and move. Its crazy that God has used us to create another life…I know Mary (the mother of Jesus was more fascinated about that than I am). I find myself getting more excited everyday. I mean who would not want another Jermale walking around? Duh!
Last week I had a job interview at Lamar University for an Assistant Director of Student Activities. The interview went great…at least I think so. I was trying to look good in my suit, but I was hotter than a mug! I should hear something from them by next week. I am so excited to get back on a college campus and work with students.
On a spiritual tip, I am seeking God’s face and voice. I feel that I have been in a spiritual plateau and I am ready to go to the next level. I am ready to walk in the destiny that He has called me. I am ready to use the power that He has birthed in me for His will. I mean what good is a tree with no fruit, a car with no motor, a vase that does not hold flowers? We need to serve the purpose which we were created for. If something is useless then its time to get rid of it! I sure don’t want God to throw me away. I am also praying for the spirit of a true worshiper. I want to experience worship in every area of my life. I want my walk to worship Christ, my wave to worship Christ, my blink to worship Christ, my sneeze….ok a sneeze might be too much, but you know what I mean. I am also seeking Christ’s direction on fasting. I’m telling you, I am ready for another level! My prayer can be found in Psalm 104:34: “May my meditation be pleasing [sweet] to Him as I rejoice in the Lord.”
Ministry is going well. We have 4 worship services under our belts now. This week Anissa ran both the Impact CafĂ© (coffee shop) and Nursery. She is on the grind for Christ, for real. I have made connections with approximately 10 college age students who are interested in being apart of the Student Ministry, so I am very excited about that. Anissa and I are also starting a kind of support group for young married couples, similar to what we were apart of in Grand Rapids. We feel that it is good to be able to have support and hang out with people who are in or have been in your same situations. The Proverbs 27:17 says that “iron sharpen iron.”
Finally, did anyone see Whitney Houston on that awards show last week? I thought she was going to sing or something…I was bamboozled!
Peace Be The Journey!
PS The pictures are of my hair, the church and Anissa & I on Valentine's Day
We found out that we are having a baby boy! I am excited. Now I have to get something together so that my first born can have an inheritance, besides student loans. We got some great ultra-sound pictures-you can see them on this link http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2520099&id=2247339&l=d41d5. I am now starting to feel the baby kick and move. Its crazy that God has used us to create another life…I know Mary (the mother of Jesus was more fascinated about that than I am). I find myself getting more excited everyday. I mean who would not want another Jermale walking around? Duh!
Last week I had a job interview at Lamar University for an Assistant Director of Student Activities. The interview went great…at least I think so. I was trying to look good in my suit, but I was hotter than a mug! I should hear something from them by next week. I am so excited to get back on a college campus and work with students.
On a spiritual tip, I am seeking God’s face and voice. I feel that I have been in a spiritual plateau and I am ready to go to the next level. I am ready to walk in the destiny that He has called me. I am ready to use the power that He has birthed in me for His will. I mean what good is a tree with no fruit, a car with no motor, a vase that does not hold flowers? We need to serve the purpose which we were created for. If something is useless then its time to get rid of it! I sure don’t want God to throw me away. I am also praying for the spirit of a true worshiper. I want to experience worship in every area of my life. I want my walk to worship Christ, my wave to worship Christ, my blink to worship Christ, my sneeze….ok a sneeze might be too much, but you know what I mean. I am also seeking Christ’s direction on fasting. I’m telling you, I am ready for another level! My prayer can be found in Psalm 104:34: “May my meditation be pleasing [sweet] to Him as I rejoice in the Lord.”
Ministry is going well. We have 4 worship services under our belts now. This week Anissa ran both the Impact CafĂ© (coffee shop) and Nursery. She is on the grind for Christ, for real. I have made connections with approximately 10 college age students who are interested in being apart of the Student Ministry, so I am very excited about that. Anissa and I are also starting a kind of support group for young married couples, similar to what we were apart of in Grand Rapids. We feel that it is good to be able to have support and hang out with people who are in or have been in your same situations. The Proverbs 27:17 says that “iron sharpen iron.”
Finally, did anyone see Whitney Houston on that awards show last week? I thought she was going to sing or something…I was bamboozled!
Peace Be The Journey!
PS The pictures are of my hair, the church and Anissa & I on Valentine's Day