Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas!

It is hard to believe that 2008 is almost over! This year was full of new things for us and it really flew by. We started the year by becoming homeowners for the first time. Although we only lived in that house for 7 months, we created a lot of great memories there and enjoyed that time. During that time, we also both adjusted to new jobs, got more involved in our church and were starting to feel established. Then everything changed with our move to Texas. We have had our ups and downs since August, but this experience has brought Jermale and I closer than ever and has shown us what having faith and trusting God really means. While we are still waiting for our house to sell or rent, we are extremely thankful to be settled into our apartment here and slowly Texas is starting to feel more like home (the winter temperatures in the 60s and 70s are helping with that transition!)

As far as updates, Jermale is in the process of applying for a teaching position at Lamar University in Family Studies (the area in which he has his master’s degree). There is still a possibility that he will pursue his teacher’s certification, but when he saw this job opening, he really wanted to go for it. We’ll see what happens… My job remains a blessing to have, but I am keeping my eyes open for another opportunity because it is a difficult work environment. I know I’m still there for a reason, so I am trusting God to use me there for His purpose.

Our first church service is around the corner- January 11th. Jermale is putting together final things like ordering offering envelopes, replacing light bulbs, hiring painters, etc. He even got an espresso machine so we can serve gourmet coffee drinks to our first visitors. I have been having a lot of fun getting the nursery ready. We will start out with 3 rooms – infants, toddlers and preschool. I have been able to pick out toys, order furniture and set up the rooms. It is a big task, but I’m enjoying it. It will be so good to have the church finally start!

It has been a little cold on and off (like low 40s), but I didn’t need a coat today and tomorrow it is supposed to be 75 degrees and stay in the 70s for the rest of the week. I love it! It actually snowed a few inches the other day and the whole area went crazy. All the TV stations had the snow fall as their top story. People let their kids stay up till 3am to play in the falling snow. Pretty much any kid younger than 15yrs had never seen snow in their lives. There were little snowmen and snow angels everywhere. All my co-workers came into work (late since they were scared to drive) with pictures of the snow and their kids in the snow. It was so funny. Jermale even got caught up and took pictures like he had never seen snow either (I posted the pictures). I thought it was hilarious when I saw the pictures on our camera, but I guess it was our first (and maybe only for a while) memory of snow in Texas. We fly to Chicago in the morning to spend time in Berrien Springs with Jermale’s family and then in Grand Rapids with my family. We are praying we don’t get stranded and that all our flights work out.

Have a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year everyone! Stay tuned to the blog for 2009...

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Three months later, we have finally left our Econo Lodge room behind for the 6 month old 2-bedroom duplex we found. We are so excited! We moved all our things from the hotel over to the new spot on Friday evening. We bought an air mattress, a sheet set, paper plates and cups, plastic silverware and borrowed two towels from Pastor Noble. Then today, Jermale got a card table and 3 folding chairs from the church. So, we are set for a bit. We are still working out the details of getting the rest of our stuff from Michigan, but it will all work out. We are just so happy to have a place that will be “home”. It makes a big difference. Above are some pictures. Obviously it is still really empty, but we are very thankful!

Thank you for all the prayers!

The Eddies

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Keep the prayers coming!

It is getting more and more important to remind ourselves that God brought us here for a reason and that He is in control! Although it has been great to be past the worst of hurricane season, it still feels like we are facing various “storms”. First of all my job has become quite stressful. I was initially so excited to find what seemed to be such a perfect fit in such a short amount of time. However, after the first few weeks, it became apparent that there are quite a few underlying issues going on here that cause it to be a tense and often negative work environment. It is still a blessing to have a fulltime income and I am using new skills and learning a lot, but I am not enjoying it. I don’t want to go on and on with the details, but please pray that God will use me in this work and show me His full purpose for me in this position. I believe He brought me here for a reason and I want to stick it out until that reason is revealed and fulfilled.

Then there’s the housing situation. We have had some interest in our home in Michigan, but no offers yet. Since it had been on the market a while, we decided to pursue the option of renting it out. We figured if we had the relief from paying our full mortgage then we could move out of the hotel and at least get an apartment. But, apparently there have been new rules established since the financial crisis on Wall Street. As of October 2008, homeowners are only allowed to rent if they have 25-30% equity in their homes (which we don’t since we haven’t even owned it a year yet). Also, if we were to try to buy a home here with our home in Michigan still not sold, we would have to qualify for two mortgage loans and we would not be allowed to consider any rent being paid to us as income. So, basically renting was not an option for us and our realtor actually suggested that we begin proactively negotiating with our lender to see if we could set up some sort of a short sale arrangement. This would mean the bank would loose money, we would loose money and we would possible have our credit damaged. We are holding off on this and waiting for God to come through.

On a positive note, we spoke to the district superintendent with the united Methodist Church about the situation with the house and he approved us to get an apartment. The church will pay the rent until we can take it over after the house is off our hands and it will actually cost them significantly less than the hotel. It was crazy trying to find an apartment that was vacant because so many already stay pretty full due to all the plants and factories around here and then there was a huge demand after hurricane Ike since a lot of people lost their homes. It was discouraging for a while, but we knew God had the right place for us. Finally, we found a 2-bedroom duplex about 10 minutes from the church. It was built only 6 months ago and someone had to move suddenly due to job re-location. It will cost the same as our Michigan mortgage to rent it, but the church approved it and we can make it work in our budget after our house sells. It should be ready for us to move in by the end of this week! Now the dilemma is figuring out how to get all our stuff from Michigan since we have no furniture, dishes, warmer clothes, etc. We are still figuring that part out, but we plan to be totally settled in with all our stuff by the end of the month and we are very thankful for this!

The last “storm” has been in the area of benefits. I am nearing the end of my 3 month probationary period at my job and will be eligible for benefits on Nov. 18. I met with the insurance lady yesterday and found out that my job will not cover Jermale - we would have to pay out-of pocket to add him and it’s expensive. Plus, it isn’t even a good health plan- it is actually pretty terrible. My deductible alone before the insurance would cover anything is $3000 a year and then they cover 70%. It is a $30 co-pay for a regular Dr. appt. I know this is better than nothing, but we have never had such a bad policy before so it is pretty frustrating.
As far as Jermale, the church progress is moving a long and the first service will be Jan 11th! Jermale is also getting lots of substitute teaching jobs and that is going well. We are meeting more people and building some friendships, but we still have a long way to go before we will feel like we have a true support network similar to what we had in Michigan.

Again, that is why we have to continually remind ourselves that God is in control. We also recognize that at this point the stage is set for an amazing testimony. It is tough to go through the storms of life, but God is strengthening us through them and we know we will never be going through the storms alone. Please keep the prayers coming and keep in touch with us :)

The Eddies

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Church Website

Hi everyone!

Things contiune to move along with the church. The website is up and running now, but some pages are still under construction. Check it out http://www.impactumc.org/

These are some recent pix. My hair actually will stay straight in Texas now that the humidity is low.


~The Eddies

Friday, October 10, 2008

Building a Life

It is so nice to stop running from hurricanes and start having some consistency! Jermale and I joined the local YMCA soon after coming back to Port Arthur so that we could start working out again. Jermale usually goes in the morning and I go to 6:30pm classes after work like yoga, step aerobics, and body fusion. It really feels good to get out of the hotel and exert some energy. We are trying to get back into a routine of healthy eating too. We are getting more creative with our two burner cooking surface and no oven. Jermale usually does dinner during the week and I cook on the weekends. We have also re-introduced Friday as date night! It has been fun trying to find new restaurants and things to do. Last weekend we found a miniature golf spot and went to a Mexican restaurant. Tonight we will try a tapas place with another couple we met. These small routines have helped us begin to define normal here.

Also, we got a second car (praise report)! We looked for a while to find the best deal and ended up getting a 2006 Chevy Equinox. We are really happy with the car and with the deal we got. Being back to two vehicles has mad life so much easier!

As far as the house, we dropped the price and are really hoping to generate some interest. Our realtor has had a few phone calls, but they haven't gone anywhere. The most recent request we had was from a guy who wanted to know what our average heating and eletric bills were after he walked through the house. It seemed like he was pretty interested. We'll see.....

The pix are from last Sunday. We went to a community 20 minutes away called Bridge City to help with the clean-up efforts. There was extreme flooding in this area. The water is gone now, but there had been about a 5 foot water line in all buildings. We spent the day hauling stuff from gutted apartments to the road for Fema to pick up. The other pic is Jermale's "baby locks" which have grown a lot. I finally got my hair pressed too since the humidity is lower (it has been sunny mid 80s all week). I will add a pic soon :)

Below is Jermale's update concerning the church:

Everything with the church is going well; slow, but well. I have to realize that everything takes time, not my time but God’s time. After two hurricane evacuations, many of us have lost a little steam. In fact, we are about a month behind on our planning schedule; and so is everyone else in our area. As a way of getting back to God’s business, we are going to do some Prayer Walks in the neighborhoods around the church next week. I am hoping that by then, we will have some information sheets & business cards to give the people we meet! Lastly, we will be getting our pews re upholstered, new Air Conditioning system and a new sound/video system.

Evangelism Opportunity: Try doing a random act of kindness this week. While at the gas station today, I heard someone say they only had $3 to put gas in their car. I then walked over there and “paid at the pump” $20, so that he could have a little more gas and use the $3 for something else!
“You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity.” (2 Corinthians 9:11)


~The Eddies

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Back Home in Port Arthur!!!

You never know how much you really miss something until it is taken away from you for a while. This is the way that we felt upon returning to our little glorified dorm room, otherwise known as the Econo Lodge. Yesterday (Saturday, September 20) the city of Port Arthur lifted the mandatory evacuation at 6am. So I was able to talk Anissa into ridding with me back to take a peek at the damages. She was hesitant since she had just got back from California at 7:30pm the night before and I wanted to leave by 6:30am in case there was traffic.

While driving (and as Anissa slept) I saw a lot of damage between Houston and Port Arthur. It really brought back memories of what the gulf coast looked like after hurricane’s Katrina and Rita. Since the ocean water came on land, many fields that had cattle & crops were flooded, therefore, I had to take an alternate route into town because HWY 73 (that we normally take) had roaming cows on it looking to stay dry (lol). When we arrived in Port Arthur, we found that the Econ Lodge and our “glorified dorm room” were fine. The building only lost a few pieces of siding and roof shingles and the fence around the pool blew down. They even went into everyone’s room to clean out their refrigerator so that people would not come back to a stinky room or a moldy fridge. We also received electricity early that morning. After checking out Port Arthur, we drove to Beaumont, where Anissa works. They had electricity, but the building had a few windows blow out. As for the rest of Beaumont’s downtown, glass covered many of the streets due to the windows being blown out of other buildings. Finally, we left back to Cypress, where we were staying for the week, so that we could rest, get our luggage and come in this morning.

Once again, we left at 6:30am, so that we could try to beat the incoming traffic back into the city. Also once again, Anissa slept as I drove in to the city. If you have not already figured out, Anissa loves to sleep. Sleep is her favorite pass-time (lol). We got back in town just in time to change and make it to a local church service near the edge of town. The service was just what I (we) needed. I was so excited to go to a church service and worship with other followers of Christ, that I wanted to skip showering, but I thought that might curse the saints rather than bless them!!!! After the church service, they fed everyone breakfast and we went grocery shopping and are home safely getting things back in order. There is also a mandatory curfew where no one can be out & about from 8pm-5am, except restoration workers.

On a side note, things have been so crazy since we left Grand Rapids that I know God is about to do something. I got a vision for a community outreach that I will tell you about in a later blog, but it is going to be HOTT!!! Anissa and I have been through so much transition, that I am not even sure that I would recognize what normal was, if it looked me in the eyes (I was told that this is what ministry is). Therefore, please pray with us for the following:

1) The catching up of “church starting” work
2) Hope & Encouragement for the devastated communities & residents
3) A second vehicle for Anissa & I
4) Our house in Grand Rapids to sell
5) The finding of a nice house in Texas
6) That the love of Christ will bless all who continue to pray for the work that He has sent us here to do.

Love the Eddies, servants of Christ!

PS These pictures are at our hotel and around Port Arthur - damage was minimal

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Never a Dull Moment...

Our city remains under an emergency evacuation and we still cannot return. We are able to continue staying at this retreat center, but the new dilemma is that I am supposed to fly out of Houston tomorrow (9/17) to a conference in Anaheim, California for my job. We are 10-12 hours away from Houston at this point, but the airline (never fly US Airways!!!!!) has been entirely less than helpful and will not adjust my flight to a closer airport without astronomical fees. So, we are scrambling to figure out where we could stay overnight in Houston. There are very few hotels with vacancies and the ones we are finding don’t have water or you can’t call b/ c the phones are down. Frustrating! We will find some way to get me to the airport and then Jermale might have to go 5 hours away to Dallas or something. I will be back on Friday (9/19) and we will go from there.

The storm blew through Arkansas on Sat. night with 55mph winds and it was still really scary even though it was only a tropical storm at that point. Port Arthur is still without power and sewer services, but thankfully the actual damage is minimal. Praise God! I had a break down the other day, but am doing better now. Jermale has been really great through all this and helps keep me calm. Stay tuned...

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Hurricane Ike Update

It is hard to get completely current information since we are in Arkansas, but we are able to access our local, Port Arthur/Beaumont news stations online. This is the link to one of the sites if you want to see video from our area. http://www.kfdm.com/ It seems like both Beaumont and Port Arthur have had some serious damage. Most people are without power (and are predicted to be without it for several weeks) Lots of phone lines are down. The sewer and water services are limited, if available at all. There was some flooding, but the levees in Port Arthur held, which is very good news. Again, news media is just starting to get out and access damage, but some of the surrounding areas in neighboring Orange County and Sabine Pass are very hard to get to at this point and there are reports of waist deep water in some homes there.

We have no idea when we will be able to return to Port Arthur this time. The weather should clear up in the area within the next few days, but they might not lift the mandatory evacuation until electricity and sewer systems are back up and running and all the major roadways are cleared of trees and debris. We haven't called to check on our hotel yet, but we brought all our important things with us, so there isn't much to worry about. We are thankful we didn't have a house yet at this point. This whole thing may just be why God hasn't allowed our home in Michigan to sell yet! As far as my job, we get "hurricane pay" sort of like Michigan snow days. So, I will still get paid for all the days we are evacuated. This is just another example of God's faithfulness, as all this evacuating was definitely not in the budget!

So, we will plan to stay at the retreat center in Fayettville, Arkansas for now. We ended up here because we were originally headed to Dallas, but we couldn't get a hold of Jermale's Aunt who lives there. Pastor Noble was at this retreat center for a conference and he had chosen to stay after the conference was over b/c the storm was coming. He told us he could get us a complementary room if we came there. So, we adjusted our route and headed to Arkansas. It was a 12 hour drive, but we were stocked up this time with a cooler of food and a 5 gallon gas can. It actually ended up working out better that we came here b/c even Dallas was feeling some effects from the storm. Plus, Jermale's Aunt said that so many people evacuated to Dallas that food and gas were starting to get difficult to find. We even saw on the news that gas was at $4.85 a gallon and prices were still rising.

This is crazy! But, God is in control and we are at peace. We will do whatever we can to help the community when we are able to go back. For now, we prayerfully wait...

~The Eddies

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Evacuating again...

Hi all,

We have evacuated to Fayetteville, Arkansas due to hurricane Ike. So, we are safe, and will keep you posted.

~The Eddies

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

In the clear!

Hi everyone,

Thanks for all the prayers! We are clear to return to Port Arthur. The hurricane only caused some heavy rain and strong wind in our area, but as far as we know there was no significant damage. We are very thankful for that, but Jamaica, Haiti, Cuba, the Bahamas, and Louisiana were all hit pretty hard, so continue to pray for the residents in those places. Jermale and I are actually still in Houston b/c we are flying to New Jersey tomorrow for a friend's wedding. So, we won't go home until Sat. evening, and by then everything should be back to normal in our city. There are 3 more storms in the forecast, but we know God is able! I think hurricane season ends by October. Then we can relax and enjoy the Texas winter!

Love you all! These pix are from our San Antonio pre-anniversary trip.

~The Eddies

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hurricane Gustav...

Hi all,

If you have been following the news, you may have seen that Hurricane Gustav is heading our way :( We were actually in San Antonio 8/27-8/29 celebrating our 2nd year anniversary early (the actual date of our anniversary is 9/1). We got back to Port Arthur on Friday night and saw all the news about the weather. This morning we ran some errands, packed up our car and evacuated to Houston. We have some friends we are staying with here and we will continue to follow the storm to see if we need to move further north. If so, we will head to Dallas where Jermale's Aunt lives. So, we are safe and taking all precautions. Keep us and the entire Gulf Coast in your prayers and we will keep you posted.

~The Eddies

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Loving the job...

So, I am officially the development director for IEA. My role will be a management position that will include mainly aspects of fundraising and grant coordination, public affairs and marketing, and the mentoring program and community outreach (I know its a lot! but I'm up for the challenge). I will also be helping the organization in the development of more solid internal structure and policy. So far it has been amazing. This week I have gone to Houston with my co-workers everyday. Monday was a meeting with the grant writer, Tuesday was a press conference on the 100% campaign with the Children's Defense Fund (CDF)http://www.cdftexas.org/attached/Campaign100.pdf, and today was a Children's Health and Mental Health Coalition meeting also with CDF. I very much enjoyed all these events and I am so excited to be working on the community and systems level. The end of the week, I am attending events surrounding the launch of NBA player, Stephen Jackson's Jack 1 Foundationhttp://www.nba.com/playerfile/stephen_jackson/. He is originally from this area and we are participating in the events to network and build partnerships with the hopes of working with his foundation. I went to a ribbon cutting ceremony today for a new school he is opening and I will be attending a high profile "tip-off dinner" tomorrow evening. I am also presenting on our organization to the local Communities in Schools group on Friday. So it has been a full first week! In addition, I will be gone for a week in Sept. so that I can attend a 3 day fund raising conference in Dallas (mon-Wed) and then a 2 day mentoring conference in California (thurs-Fri). So exciting! The program I am working with has so much growth potential and I really feel that I will be able to offer a lot to the organization with my background. I am very passionate about the mission of IEA and I am working with a great team- this is such an ideal match!

Jermale and Pastor Noble have begun to meet and start putting things together with the church plant as well. For those of you who don't know, the reason we moved here was b/c Jermale was offered the opportunity to be the director of youth and college ministries with a new church that our former pastor, Dr. Derrick-Lewis Noble, is starting here in Port Arthur, Texas. We really felt called to come here and so far things are going amazingly well. I will try to get Jermale to post an update on all he is up to soon.

We love you!

~The Eddies

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Job Update

The picture above is me cheesing after my interview because…I was offered the position on the spot! Seriously, what I’m about to write is not something you can even dream up- it is God and God alone!

So, as you all know I had an interview scheduled for 10am this morning. The executive director of the organization called me yesterday and left a message asking if I could “extend my time until 1pm” so that I could attend an event with them after the interview. I called back saying that would be fine and I found out the event was a banquet lunch honoring 9 women in the community for their work and service. So, I go to the interview, fill out some paperwork and meet with the executive director and the program director for about an hour. They asked lots of questions and it went well. At one point, the program director quickly excused herself after I answered a question. I heard her cough a little outside of the room, so I figured she was choking and just needed some water. After the official interview, I left my portfolio so they could look it over, and they seemed very impressed with that (thanks U of M!)

We then went to the event which was very nice. It was held at the holiday inn and there were approx. 400 people in attendance. There was a brief program in honor of the women being recognized, a wonderful lunch, and some closing remarks. After the closing remarks, I was introduced to the Mayor of Beaumont (which is the city where we plan to buy a house- about 30 min from the church) and the Mayor of Port Arthur (which is the city where the church is located). Both of the Mayors were women. They were very nice and personable. I also met a member of the city council who is partnering with IEA (the organization I will be working for) to start Freedom Schools in the area. In addition, I met the founder of IEA, Regina Rogers, and Rev. Adolf (who is Pastor Noble’s good friend who lives in Beaumont). Apparently, Ms. Rodgers had been emailed my resume and she did a little “jig” as she called it when she met me because she was so excited. Then Rev. Adolf told her that I was the young women he wanted her to meet. She had thought that the person he wanted her to meet and the person whose resume she saw were two different people. When she realized that both people were actually me, she just kept saying- “this is God, this is God” and she was so excited I had interviewed at IEA. The whole experience was surreal and amazing.

After we left the event, the two women I interviewed with drove me by what will soon be the new location of their offices. In the car, the program director told me that when she had excused herself, it was because she was about to cry due to the fact that she was overwhelmed by my answers to their questions and how inline they were with how IEA is planning to move forward. She said I was an answer to prayer and it brought her to tears. Back at the office, they asked me when I could start. Then they told me to go home and talk to Jermale before I answered that question and they will call me back tonight with salary and benefit information.

So I will be a social worker at IEA doing direct practice and policy work. God is sooooo good. I am not worried about the details, I know this is meant to be my job and I am in awe of God’s favor and the way He rewards those who trust him and step out on faith. If you don’t know Him try Him- I’m telling you He is awesome!


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

We Made It!

We’re here! We left around 7am on Monday morning and we could barely fit in the car b/c it was soooo packed. We had to leave a few things we wanted to bring so that we could be somewhat comfortable, but we loaded in the essentials. Jermale and I split the 8 hour drive in half each driving 4 hours. We stopped in St Louis for a few hours to visit two sets of Jermale’s cousins who lived in the area and to eat dinner. Then we drove a few more hours and stayed in a hotel overnight. We started out again in the morning and drove over 12 hours including gas and food stops. This drive was a bit more challenging b/c it was longer, there were patches of very heavy rain and there were some pretty scary, roller costar like bridges. We finally made it to our extended stay hotel around 8pm. We took a few things out of the car and then went out to get some food with Pastor Noble. After, I had to watch a little bit of the Olympics, but it wasn’t long until we were sound asleep.

I included some pictures of our hotel. It is very nice, but there is no oven, no closet, and only 3 drawers for clothes. So, we have a few things to work out and work around, but overall we are really pleased with it. Today we will be unpacking, shopping for food and other needed items, exploring the city and resting. Tomorrow is my interview and Jermale will start working on things with Pastor Noble within the next few days. It still feels strange to be here, but we are excited. We thank God for our safe travel and for all that we are about to do. Thanks for all your thoughts, prayers and text messages!


The Eddies

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Final days in Michigan

Jermale and I have really been enjoying our time with family and friends as we have not been working the past 2 weeks (we have still managed to stay very busy!). The time with my family was great and our farewell cook out went well. We are in Berrien Springs now to spend time with Jermale's family. We still plan to leave for Texas on Monday 8/11 in the early morning. We will be driving our 2-door Honda Civic (Jermale sold his car) loaded with clothes, shoes, important papers and cooking supplies. We will be staying in an extended stay hotel (which includes a full kitchen, cable, Internet, a pool and continental breakfast) until our home in Michigan sells. Please be in prayer for the sale of our home and pass along this link to anyone you know who may be interested. http://activerain.com/blogsview/552918/1532-Pine-Ave-NW

I have an exciting praise report as well! As many of you know, I do not yet have employment secured in Texas. However, I have an interview scheduled on Thursday 8/14 at a partner organization with the Children's Defense Fund called IEA (Inspire, Encourage, Achieve). This is their website http://www.ieainspires.org/ This seems like a great opportunity as they are looking for a licensed social worker and the executive director called to set up the interview after she had received my name and resume from someone else. I never heard of this organization or applied for this job, but that is so often how God works and how He shows us that He is in control and can meet our every need. Pray that the door will open if this is the job I am supposed to take :)

Our trip will be 2 days as we plan to drive to St. Louis (8 hours) the first day and catch up with some of Jermale's family. We will then head to Port Arthur (10 hours) and probably stop at an African American museum in Memphis on the way. We are excited although the reality of it all this still has not fully set in. Thank you all so much for your prayers and support. We will post an update upon our arrival...

~The Eddies

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Texas here we come...

Well, we are starting to count down the days before Jermale and I officially become Texans! I am done working and Jermale's last day at Grand Valley is Friday 7/24. We will spend the weekend in Berrien Springs with his family and bring our nephew, Jayden, and our niece, Maliya, back to Grand Rapids with us on Sunday. Jermale will celebrate his 28th birthday on Monday and then my family from Ohio and South Carolina will be in town for a week. We look forward to having work free schedules so we can spend some quality time with family.

On Sat. 8/2 from 12pm-4pm we are having a farewell cook-out at Richmond Park. All are welcome and asked to bring a dish to pass. Then we will head back to Berrien on Thursday for a final long weekend visit and the celebration of Jermale's mother's 50th birthday! Sunday 8/10 will be our last worship service at Grand Rapids First and then we load up the 2-door Civic to start our trip bright and early on Monday morning 8/11.

We are so excited for what God has in store for our lives and we plan to share the journey with all of you through this new blog. Keep the prayers coming! We love you!

~The Eddies