Jermale’s last day at the university is May 14th. After that, he will focus on finishing things up at Impact, taking care of Malachi and packing. I am finishing out my contract with the school district with my last day being June7th. On June 8th, Malachi and I will fly to Chicago. A company will be moving all of our things and Jermale’s dad is flying here to help him drive our vehicles back to Michigan. We will be moving back into our same house and we can now see the fact that it never sold was actually a blessing in disguise. We have been applying for jobs and doing phone interviews and we trust that the right opportunities will open for us in God’s timing.
Malachi is 10 months old now, he will be almost a year old already by the time we get back to Michigan! He is a happy, curious bundle of love. He makes us laugh every day and teaches us to look at life in brand new ways. He crawls all over the place and can stand by himself for long periods of time. He isn’t walking yet, but I don’t think it will be too long. He is reaching developmental milestones right on time, but he remains pretty little as far as his weight is concerned. His blood work has shown a high white blood cell count numerous times, so we will be taking him to see a pediatric hematologist at Texas Children’s Hospital on May 11th. Please pray that we will get a good report and all will be well with him.
We originally set up this blog to keep all our people in Michigan updated on our lives. Hopefully we can keep it up more faithfully as it will now serve as a way to stay connected to all our friends in Texas too. To those of you who have followed the blog from the beginning, thank you for taking the journey with us and keeping us in your prayers! God has truly been faithful and we are excited for what lies ahead.
~The Eddies