Whew-where to start LOL. Saying parenthood is the hardest but most rewarding job you’ll ever have is pretty accurate. These blog posts might be a bit less frequent, but I’ll do my best :) The first week with Malachi was pretty rough. Jermale and I were both pretty exhausted and I was super sore for a few days. Seriously, the muscles in my arms and back hurt a lot more than my stitches – labor is a very intense full body work out. Then breastfeeding was very painful at first- yep even cried once. Plus after, my milk finally came in, I got a fever and flu like symptoms. All that on top of very little sleep was not a pretty picture and made it hard to simply enjoy the baby. Week two was much better. I was less sore, the fever went away and Malachi started doing 2 and 3 hour stretches of sleep which felt great! Now, we are getting the hang of things more. Basic baby care, is pretty natural now and being out and about with him has gotten more routine as well. Jermale of course, is super helpful and willing to go it all. It has been wonderful to have some help and company too. My best friend, Gihane was here July 1-5 and my mom has no been here since the 7th and will stay until the 16th. Then Jermale’s brother Jeremy is coming to visit. With these visitors, I can still take stress free showers without working if the baby is crying hysterically even though Jermale is back at work. When it will be just Malachi and I, he will already be a month old so I should be able to handle things at that point.
Malachi is doing great. He had a touch of jaundice at the beginning which we watched, but everything was cleared up by his 2 week appt. He is a great eater (even though I’m still dealing with some painful breastfeeding challenges) and he is growing fast. He is too cute and already shows signs of his own personality. I wish I could capture some of his signature faces on camera, but as soon as you get the camera he stops making the faces LOL. Jermale has been busy getting back into the flow at work and with all the church stuff. I have been doing nothing, but baby duty for the past few weeks and will probably ease back into some church responsibilities soon. People are already asking me when/if we will have another one which I can not even think about right now. It is seriously a lot of work, but we are very thankful that things are going well and it is a blessing to have our family of 3!
Here’s a picture link:
Malachi is doing great. He had a touch of jaundice at the beginning which we watched, but everything was cleared up by his 2 week appt. He is a great eater (even though I’m still dealing with some painful breastfeeding challenges) and he is growing fast. He is too cute and already shows signs of his own personality. I wish I could capture some of his signature faces on camera, but as soon as you get the camera he stops making the faces LOL. Jermale has been busy getting back into the flow at work and with all the church stuff. I have been doing nothing, but baby duty for the past few weeks and will probably ease back into some church responsibilities soon. People are already asking me when/if we will have another one which I can not even think about right now. It is seriously a lot of work, but we are very thankful that things are going well and it is a blessing to have our family of 3!
Here’s a picture link:
The Eddies
Oh my goodness, he is too cute. You guys are truly blessed. I enjoyed reading the honest truth about the first few weeks after, and hope things continue to get easier for you from here on out. I am sure they will as his naps become longer and he gets on a set schedule. Looking forward to meeting him one day!!
Anissa, your Dad would have been soooo excited to have saw the entrance of Malachi into the world!!! Congrats & Blessings to your family. Love Charlene
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