Hi all,
If you have been following the news, you may have seen that Hurricane Gustav is heading our way :( We were actually in San Antonio 8/27-8/29 celebrating our 2nd year anniversary early (the actual date of our anniversary is 9/1). We got back to Port Arthur on Friday night and saw all the news about the weather. This morning we ran some errands, packed up our car and evacuated to Houston. We have some friends we are staying with here and we will continue to follow the storm to see if we need to move further north. If so, we will head to Dallas where Jermale's Aunt lives. So, we are safe and taking all precautions. Keep us and the entire Gulf Coast in your prayers and we will keep you posted.
~The Eddies
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Loving the job...

So, I am officially the development director for IEA. My role will be a management position that will include mainly aspects of fundraising and grant coordination, public affairs and marketing, and the mentoring program and community outreach (I know its a lot! but I'm up for the challenge). I will also be helping the organization in the development of more solid internal structure and policy. So far it has been amazing. This week I have gone to Houston with my co-workers everyday. Monday was a meeting with the grant writer, Tuesday was a press conference on the 100% campaign with the Children's Defense Fund (CDF)http://www.cdftexas.org/attached/Campaign100.pdf, and today was a Children's Health and Mental Health Coalition meeting also with CDF. I very much enjoyed all these events and I am so excited to be working on the community and systems level. The end of the week, I am attending events surrounding the launch of NBA player, Stephen Jackson's Jack 1 Foundationhttp://www.nba.com/playerfile/stephen_jackson/. He is originally from this area and we are participating in the events to network and build partnerships with the hopes of working with his foundation. I went to a ribbon cutting ceremony today for a new school he is opening and I will be attending a high profile "tip-off dinner" tomorrow evening. I am also presenting on our organization to the local Communities in Schools group on Friday. So it has been a full first week! In addition, I will be gone for a week in Sept. so that I can attend a 3 day fund raising conference in Dallas (mon-Wed) and then a 2 day mentoring conference in California (thurs-Fri). So exciting! The program I am working with has so much growth potential and I really feel that I will be able to offer a lot to the organization with my background. I am very passionate about the mission of IEA and I am working with a great team- this is such an ideal match!
Jermale and Pastor Noble have begun to meet and start putting things together with the church plant as well. For those of you who don't know, the reason we moved here was b/c Jermale was offered the opportunity to be the director of youth and college ministries with a new church that our former pastor, Dr. Derrick-Lewis Noble, is starting here in Port Arthur, Texas. We really felt called to come here and so far things are going amazingly well. I will try to get Jermale to post an update on all he is up to soon.
We love you!
~The Eddies
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Job Update

The picture above is me cheesing after my interview because…I was offered the position on the spot! Seriously, what I’m about to write is not something you can even dream up- it is God and God alone!
So, as you all know I had an interview scheduled for 10am this morning. The executive director of the organization called me yesterday and left a message asking if I could “extend my time until 1pm” so that I could attend an event with them after the interview. I called back saying that would be fine and I found out the event was a banquet lunch honoring 9 women in the community for their work and service. So, I go to the interview, fill out some paperwork and meet with the executive director and the program director for about an hour. They asked lots of questions and it went well. At one point, the program director quickly excused herself after I answered a question. I heard her cough a little outside of the room, so I figured she was choking and just needed some water. After the official interview, I left my portfolio so they could look it over, and they seemed very impressed with that (thanks U of M!)
We then went to the event which was very nice. It was held at the holiday inn and there were approx. 400 people in attendance. There was a brief program in honor of the women being recognized, a wonderful lunch, and some closing remarks. After the closing remarks, I was introduced to the Mayor of Beaumont (which is the city where we plan to buy a house- about 30 min from the church) and the Mayor of Port Arthur (which is the city where the church is located). Both of the Mayors were women. They were very nice and personable. I also met a member of the city council who is partnering with IEA (the organization I will be working for) to start Freedom Schools in the area. In addition, I met the founder of IEA, Regina Rogers, and Rev. Adolf (who is Pastor Noble’s good friend who lives in Beaumont). Apparently, Ms. Rodgers had been emailed my resume and she did a little “jig” as she called it when she met me because she was so excited. Then Rev. Adolf told her that I was the young women he wanted her to meet. She had thought that the person he wanted her to meet and the person whose resume she saw were two different people. When she realized that both people were actually me, she just kept saying- “this is God, this is God” and she was so excited I had interviewed at IEA. The whole experience was surreal and amazing.
After we left the event, the two women I interviewed with drove me by what will soon be the new location of their offices. In the car, the program director told me that when she had excused herself, it was because she was about to cry due to the fact that she was overwhelmed by my answers to their questions and how inline they were with how IEA is planning to move forward. She said I was an answer to prayer and it brought her to tears. Back at the office, they asked me when I could start. Then they told me to go home and talk to Jermale before I answered that question and they will call me back tonight with salary and benefit information.
So I will be a social worker at IEA doing direct practice and policy work. God is sooooo good. I am not worried about the details, I know this is meant to be my job and I am in awe of God’s favor and the way He rewards those who trust him and step out on faith. If you don’t know Him try Him- I’m telling you He is awesome!
So, as you all know I had an interview scheduled for 10am this morning. The executive director of the organization called me yesterday and left a message asking if I could “extend my time until 1pm” so that I could attend an event with them after the interview. I called back saying that would be fine and I found out the event was a banquet lunch honoring 9 women in the community for their work and service. So, I go to the interview, fill out some paperwork and meet with the executive director and the program director for about an hour. They asked lots of questions and it went well. At one point, the program director quickly excused herself after I answered a question. I heard her cough a little outside of the room, so I figured she was choking and just needed some water. After the official interview, I left my portfolio so they could look it over, and they seemed very impressed with that (thanks U of M!)
We then went to the event which was very nice. It was held at the holiday inn and there were approx. 400 people in attendance. There was a brief program in honor of the women being recognized, a wonderful lunch, and some closing remarks. After the closing remarks, I was introduced to the Mayor of Beaumont (which is the city where we plan to buy a house- about 30 min from the church) and the Mayor of Port Arthur (which is the city where the church is located). Both of the Mayors were women. They were very nice and personable. I also met a member of the city council who is partnering with IEA (the organization I will be working for) to start Freedom Schools in the area. In addition, I met the founder of IEA, Regina Rogers, and Rev. Adolf (who is Pastor Noble’s good friend who lives in Beaumont). Apparently, Ms. Rodgers had been emailed my resume and she did a little “jig” as she called it when she met me because she was so excited. Then Rev. Adolf told her that I was the young women he wanted her to meet. She had thought that the person he wanted her to meet and the person whose resume she saw were two different people. When she realized that both people were actually me, she just kept saying- “this is God, this is God” and she was so excited I had interviewed at IEA. The whole experience was surreal and amazing.
After we left the event, the two women I interviewed with drove me by what will soon be the new location of their offices. In the car, the program director told me that when she had excused herself, it was because she was about to cry due to the fact that she was overwhelmed by my answers to their questions and how inline they were with how IEA is planning to move forward. She said I was an answer to prayer and it brought her to tears. Back at the office, they asked me when I could start. Then they told me to go home and talk to Jermale before I answered that question and they will call me back tonight with salary and benefit information.
So I will be a social worker at IEA doing direct practice and policy work. God is sooooo good. I am not worried about the details, I know this is meant to be my job and I am in awe of God’s favor and the way He rewards those who trust him and step out on faith. If you don’t know Him try Him- I’m telling you He is awesome!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
We Made It!

We’re here! We left around 7am on Monday morning and we could barely fit in the car b/c it was soooo packed. We had to leave a few things we wanted to bring so that we could be somewhat comfortable, but we loaded in the essentials. Jermale and I split the 8 hour drive in half each driving 4 hours. We stopped in St Louis for a few hours to visit two sets of Jermale’s cousins who lived in the area and to eat dinner. Then we drove a few more hours and stayed in a hotel overnight. We started out again in the morning and drove over 12 hours including gas and food stops. This drive was a bit more challenging b/c it was longer, there were patches of very heavy rain and there were some pretty scary, roller costar like bridges. We finally made it to our extended stay hotel around 8pm. We took a few things out of the car and then went out to get some food with Pastor Noble. After, I had to watch a little bit of the Olympics, but it wasn’t long until we were sound asleep.
I included some pictures of our hotel. It is very nice, but there is no oven, no closet, and only 3 drawers for clothes. So, we have a few things to work out and work around, but overall we are really pleased with it. Today we will be unpacking, shopping for food and other needed items, exploring the city and resting. Tomorrow is my interview and Jermale will start working on things with Pastor Noble within the next few days. It still feels strange to be here, but we are excited. We thank God for our safe travel and for all that we are about to do. Thanks for all your thoughts, prayers and text messages!
The Eddies
I included some pictures of our hotel. It is very nice, but there is no oven, no closet, and only 3 drawers for clothes. So, we have a few things to work out and work around, but overall we are really pleased with it. Today we will be unpacking, shopping for food and other needed items, exploring the city and resting. Tomorrow is my interview and Jermale will start working on things with Pastor Noble within the next few days. It still feels strange to be here, but we are excited. We thank God for our safe travel and for all that we are about to do. Thanks for all your thoughts, prayers and text messages!
The Eddies
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Final days in Michigan

Jermale and I have really been enjoying our time with family and friends as we have not been working the past 2 weeks (we have still managed to stay very busy!). The time with my family was great and our farewell cook out went well. We are in Berrien Springs now to spend time with Jermale's family. We still plan to leave for Texas on Monday 8/11 in the early morning. We will be driving our 2-door Honda Civic (Jermale sold his car) loaded with clothes, shoes, important papers and cooking supplies. We will be staying in an extended stay hotel (which includes a full kitchen, cable, Internet, a pool and continental breakfast) until our home in Michigan sells. Please be in prayer for the sale of our home and pass along this link to anyone you know who may be interested. http://activerain.com/blogsview/552918/1532-Pine-Ave-NW
I have an exciting praise report as well! As many of you know, I do not yet have employment secured in Texas. However, I have an interview scheduled on Thursday 8/14 at a partner organization with the Children's Defense Fund called IEA (Inspire, Encourage, Achieve). This is their website http://www.ieainspires.org/ This seems like a great opportunity as they are looking for a licensed social worker and the executive director called to set up the interview after she had received my name and resume from someone else. I never heard of this organization or applied for this job, but that is so often how God works and how He shows us that He is in control and can meet our every need. Pray that the door will open if this is the job I am supposed to take :)
Our trip will be 2 days as we plan to drive to St. Louis (8 hours) the first day and catch up with some of Jermale's family. We will then head to Port Arthur (10 hours) and probably stop at an African American museum in Memphis on the way. We are excited although the reality of it all this still has not fully set in. Thank you all so much for your prayers and support. We will post an update upon our arrival...
~The Eddies
I have an exciting praise report as well! As many of you know, I do not yet have employment secured in Texas. However, I have an interview scheduled on Thursday 8/14 at a partner organization with the Children's Defense Fund called IEA (Inspire, Encourage, Achieve). This is their website http://www.ieainspires.org/ This seems like a great opportunity as they are looking for a licensed social worker and the executive director called to set up the interview after she had received my name and resume from someone else. I never heard of this organization or applied for this job, but that is so often how God works and how He shows us that He is in control and can meet our every need. Pray that the door will open if this is the job I am supposed to take :)
Our trip will be 2 days as we plan to drive to St. Louis (8 hours) the first day and catch up with some of Jermale's family. We will then head to Port Arthur (10 hours) and probably stop at an African American museum in Memphis on the way. We are excited although the reality of it all this still has not fully set in. Thank you all so much for your prayers and support. We will post an update upon our arrival...
~The Eddies
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