The picture above is me cheesing after my interview because…I was offered the position on the spot! Seriously, what I’m about to write is not something you can even dream up- it is God and God alone!
So, as you all know I had an interview scheduled for 10am this morning. The executive director of the organization called me yesterday and left a message asking if I could “extend my time until 1pm” so that I could attend an event with them after the interview. I called back saying that would be fine and I found out the event was a banquet lunch honoring 9 women in the community for their work and service. So, I go to the interview, fill out some paperwork and meet with the executive director and the program director for about an hour. They asked lots of questions and it went well. At one point, the program director quickly excused herself after I answered a question. I heard her cough a little outside of the room, so I figured she was choking and just needed some water. After the official interview, I left my portfolio so they could look it over, and they seemed very impressed with that (thanks U of M!)
We then went to the event which was very nice. It was held at the holiday inn and there were approx. 400 people in attendance. There was a brief program in honor of the women being recognized, a wonderful lunch, and some closing remarks. After the closing remarks, I was introduced to the Mayor of Beaumont (which is the city where we plan to buy a house- about 30 min from the church) and the Mayor of Port Arthur (which is the city where the church is located). Both of the Mayors were women. They were very nice and personable. I also met a member of the city council who is partnering with IEA (the organization I will be working for) to start Freedom Schools in the area. In addition, I met the founder of IEA, Regina Rogers, and Rev. Adolf (who is Pastor Noble’s good friend who lives in Beaumont). Apparently, Ms. Rodgers had been emailed my resume and she did a little “jig” as she called it when she met me because she was so excited. Then Rev. Adolf told her that I was the young women he wanted her to meet. She had thought that the person he wanted her to meet and the person whose resume she saw were two different people. When she realized that both people were actually me, she just kept saying- “this is God, this is God” and she was so excited I had interviewed at IEA. The whole experience was surreal and amazing.
After we left the event, the two women I interviewed with drove me by what will soon be the new location of their offices. In the car, the program director told me that when she had excused herself, it was because she was about to cry due to the fact that she was overwhelmed by my answers to their questions and how inline they were with how IEA is planning to move forward. She said I was an answer to prayer and it brought her to tears. Back at the office, they asked me when I could start. Then they told me to go home and talk to Jermale before I answered that question and they will call me back tonight with salary and benefit information.
So I will be a social worker at IEA doing direct practice and policy work. God is sooooo good. I am not worried about the details, I know this is meant to be my job and I am in awe of God’s favor and the way He rewards those who trust him and step out on faith. If you don’t know Him try Him- I’m telling you He is awesome!
So, as you all know I had an interview scheduled for 10am this morning. The executive director of the organization called me yesterday and left a message asking if I could “extend my time until 1pm” so that I could attend an event with them after the interview. I called back saying that would be fine and I found out the event was a banquet lunch honoring 9 women in the community for their work and service. So, I go to the interview, fill out some paperwork and meet with the executive director and the program director for about an hour. They asked lots of questions and it went well. At one point, the program director quickly excused herself after I answered a question. I heard her cough a little outside of the room, so I figured she was choking and just needed some water. After the official interview, I left my portfolio so they could look it over, and they seemed very impressed with that (thanks U of M!)
We then went to the event which was very nice. It was held at the holiday inn and there were approx. 400 people in attendance. There was a brief program in honor of the women being recognized, a wonderful lunch, and some closing remarks. After the closing remarks, I was introduced to the Mayor of Beaumont (which is the city where we plan to buy a house- about 30 min from the church) and the Mayor of Port Arthur (which is the city where the church is located). Both of the Mayors were women. They were very nice and personable. I also met a member of the city council who is partnering with IEA (the organization I will be working for) to start Freedom Schools in the area. In addition, I met the founder of IEA, Regina Rogers, and Rev. Adolf (who is Pastor Noble’s good friend who lives in Beaumont). Apparently, Ms. Rodgers had been emailed my resume and she did a little “jig” as she called it when she met me because she was so excited. Then Rev. Adolf told her that I was the young women he wanted her to meet. She had thought that the person he wanted her to meet and the person whose resume she saw were two different people. When she realized that both people were actually me, she just kept saying- “this is God, this is God” and she was so excited I had interviewed at IEA. The whole experience was surreal and amazing.
After we left the event, the two women I interviewed with drove me by what will soon be the new location of their offices. In the car, the program director told me that when she had excused herself, it was because she was about to cry due to the fact that she was overwhelmed by my answers to their questions and how inline they were with how IEA is planning to move forward. She said I was an answer to prayer and it brought her to tears. Back at the office, they asked me when I could start. Then they told me to go home and talk to Jermale before I answered that question and they will call me back tonight with salary and benefit information.
So I will be a social worker at IEA doing direct practice and policy work. God is sooooo good. I am not worried about the details, I know this is meant to be my job and I am in awe of God’s favor and the way He rewards those who trust him and step out on faith. If you don’t know Him try Him- I’m telling you He is awesome!
HE is good.
HE is good.
He is good.
I was praying for you the other day and I'm so thankful to hear that you're a blessing to them.
miss you both!
So happy for you guys!!! Congrats on the job Anissa :-) Thanks for the update - will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers. Remain blessed.
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