Thursday, June 25, 2009


Malachi Jermale Eddie

He was born on June 23rd at 11:42pm. He was 7 lbs 1 oz and 21 inches long. The labor was long and hard, but we were able to do it naturally with no complications. We thank God that Malachi is here and healthy. He is absolutely perfect and we are totally in love with him! Thank you all for the prayers and support. Here is a link to some pictures:


The Eddies (all 3 of us)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Still Pregnant...

I'm not sure why this says June 10th- which was the date of the last post? Today is Saturday, June 20, 2009

4 days until our due date and we are really feeling ready! I've been trying to do natural things to help progress move along, but today I decided I'm done. The baby is going to come when he's ready and the stuff I'm doing is wearing me out and probably not making much difference any way. So, I think I'm going into relax mode. That is probably what the baby needs me to do anyway and I figure storing up some energy instead of exhausting myself might be a good idea. I'm just seriously soooooo ready to be done. I would write more detail, but I'm tired of talking about it. I don't even want to leave the house anymore because of all the comments about when I'm due and if I'm having twins, how I must be ready to pop any day now, and how cute my huge belly is blah, blah, blah... If you can tell someone is really pregnant, sometimes its best to just smile. Sorry, I'm just so done! LOL

Anyway, these pictures are us last weekend at the Impact Car Wash (which went great) and a jazz festival down town. We are trying to keep busy while we wait, but I think I'm ready to stop being busy and just wait...

~The Eddies

Impacting the Community

Today, Anissa calls me while I am at work to tell me that her car is not starting. This is the new car (Chevy Equinox) that we recently purchased and the vehicle that is easier for her and her belly to get in and out of. This is the car that she drives around town in most of the time. So, I was a little upset about that. I also had the thought of what if she goes into labor and the car does not work or something like that. So, after work I went to give it a jump. It was 91 degrees out, but the humidity felt like 100 degrees. I never know that these new cars had the batteries hidden under tons of plastic. After about 35-45 minutes, it finally worked. Since this is the car that my pregnant wife will be driving, I replaced the battery. At this time, it was 8pm (3hrs after we got off work) and no cooler outside. Needless to say, my wife has a car that is now working!

I wanted to write this blog to let you all know the great things that God is doing with our church, Impact. Since being in Texas, we have always said that we are here for the community of Port Arthur. Therefore, we have been letting various community groups use our church for free. We are also about to start letting some local soccer teams use our field for practice and games. It’s more about reaching the community rather than taking their money. Recently, I received several phone calls from the Superintendant of Port Arthur ISD. I originally wanted to meet with him way back in November, but time his schedule was full; therefore, I could not remember what I wanted to meet with him for. I agreed to the meeting and invited Pastor Noble and I were invited. We went into the meeting just to offer our services to the community and more important, the school district. When Dr. Brown heard that, he got a big “Grinch Who Stole Christmas” grin on his face. After calling some of his colleagues into the office, we all agreed that Impact would be used for the new Port Arthur Reading Academy. Due to the fact of the low reading levels and test scores, they were looking for a location with enough classroom space and kitchen to host the academy for the fall. Each class will have approximately 10 kids per 1 teacher. I think the thing that made Dr. Brown happy was the fact that we said that we would not charge them a dime!!!

Talk about OUTREACH! Now this is what I mean about helping the community and taking our schools back from the devil! We are a brand new church and God has given us favor for such a time as this! He could have used any church, but He chose us! Thank you all for your prayers.

Lastly, we will have our first free carwash at Impact this Saturday as an outreach effort. Each car that gets washed will receive a free bottle of Impact labeled water. While some of us are washing cars, others will be cleaning the inside of the church. I pray that we wash at least 75-100 cars in two hours.

I just wanted to give you all this quick update and thank you for your continued prayers.


PS the picture of me is one a friend took for an upcoming GVSU article.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Almost There :)

I just wanted to give a quick update. I am now 37 weeks pregnant and could have the baby anytime. Yay! It looks like we will be pretty close to the due date though (June 24). My midwife predicts anytime between June 20th and 29th. I am just so excited that we are talking about weeks instead of months. Pregnancy is long! As of June 3rd, I was 1 cm dilated and 25% effaced so there is still a long way to go but it was nice to know there is at least a hint of progress. I will have weekly appointments now until baby Eddie gets here. My last day of work is June 10th. After that I will do last minute prep things and try to stay active and get the baby moving. We have one more class on Saturday focused on natural birth. I’m feeling pretty prepared, but still a little nervous.

Jermale plans to take about 2 weeks off when the baby comes. My best friend, Gihane, will be here the first week of July and my mom will likely come the 2nd two weeks of July. So - all that is very comforting to me :) Stay tuned because we will try to update Facebook and this blog right away and follow up with phone calls. Please pray that everything will go well and we’ll have a labor and delivery without complications and a healthy baby.

The beach picture is Memorial Day, the picture of Jermale and I is from our surprise shower at Impact, the pictures of me are the same day (36 weeks pregnant) and the ultrasound picture are from May 29th .

~The Eddies