I just wanted to give a quick update. I am now 37 weeks pregnant and could have the baby anytime. Yay! It looks like we will be pretty close to the due date though (June 24). My midwife predicts anytime between June 20th and 29th. I am just so excited that we are talking about weeks instead of months. Pregnancy is long! As of June 3rd, I was 1 cm dilated and 25% effaced so there is still a long way to go but it was nice to know there is at least a hint of progress. I will have weekly appointments now until baby Eddie gets here. My last day of work is June 10th. After that I will do last minute prep things and try to stay active and get the baby moving. We have one more class on Saturday focused on natural birth. I’m feeling pretty prepared, but still a little nervous.
Jermale plans to take about 2 weeks off when the baby comes. My best friend, Gihane, will be here the first week of July and my mom will likely come the 2nd two weeks of July. So - all that is very comforting to me :) Stay tuned because we will try to update Facebook and this blog right away and follow up with phone calls. Please pray that everything will go well and we’ll have a labor and delivery without complications and a healthy baby.
The beach picture is Memorial Day, the picture of Jermale and I is from our surprise shower at Impact, the pictures of me are the same day (36 weeks pregnant) and the ultrasound picture are from May 29th .
~The Eddies
Jermale plans to take about 2 weeks off when the baby comes. My best friend, Gihane, will be here the first week of July and my mom will likely come the 2nd two weeks of July. So - all that is very comforting to me :) Stay tuned because we will try to update Facebook and this blog right away and follow up with phone calls. Please pray that everything will go well and we’ll have a labor and delivery without complications and a healthy baby.
The beach picture is Memorial Day, the picture of Jermale and I is from our surprise shower at Impact, the pictures of me are the same day (36 weeks pregnant) and the ultrasound picture are from May 29th .
~The Eddies
AW!! I love those pics! You are too beautiful! I am sending prayers your way that everything goes smoothly as you welcome the newest memeber of your family into this world.
Please keep us posted!
Can you all believe that in Texas, you can drive right to the water of the beach and bring your bbq grils?? That is crazy, but very nice. It makes it a nice "get-a-way!"
Anissa & Jermale,
Yes! Your blog works, I love reading all of your posts. Anissa, you are so cute and I am so happy for you guys. It is so great to see great friends be successful and take on new adventures in life. Even though we're far apart, I think and pray for you guys often. We're praying hard that you will have a smooth and successful delivery of baby Eddie and I look forward to seeing some pics soon =)
Vanessa Abreu
Oh Anissa! I can't believe it, you're going to be a mommy so soon. We'll be praying for you and Jermale as the time gets closer for the baby to arrive. I'll be on the lookout for pics of the baby. Much love to all three of you!
Christie & Jeremy
Way to rock that cute belly at the beach! Praying that you will feel well these last few weeks. How great that Jermale is taking off a few weeks and you are done with work tomorrow! I'm excited for this little guy to arrive!
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