Okay- so we are wondering who actually reads this blog? Please leave us a comment and let us know you're out there. Our purpose with this blog is to stay connected with friends and family, but we aren't sure how successful it is (Becky, you can disregard this b/c you always give us feedback - thanks :) Anyway, here are some pictures of the baby's room. We can't paint so it is still kind of plain, but we plan to at least put up a border. Anyone know how to do that in a way that is temporary and will easily come off? We pretty much have everything we need- now we are just waiting on the baby LOL
We have a few classes coming up- so I'm excited about that. We are taking a birthing class at a local hospital this Sat. Then I have a breastfeeding class next Tuesday and we have a natural birthing class on June 6th. I will be 36 weeks on May 27th and it is pretty much safe for the baby to come anytime after that. Yay! I'm very ready to be done and have this little guy here. My last day at work is June 12th and I'm not going back. At this point, my plan is to take the summer and just focus on learning to be a mom and getting to know the baby. After that, I will work part time for the church taking care of a lot of administrative tasks that need to be a priority. This will allow me complete flexibility with quite a bit of work I can do from home and it will be nice for me to give more time and energy to the church. From there, we'll see. Eventually, when the baby is older I would like to go back to school social work at least part time. I'm just leaving it all in God's hands since He's been handling things really well so far :)
We have a few classes coming up- so I'm excited about that. We are taking a birthing class at a local hospital this Sat. Then I have a breastfeeding class next Tuesday and we have a natural birthing class on June 6th. I will be 36 weeks on May 27th and it is pretty much safe for the baby to come anytime after that. Yay! I'm very ready to be done and have this little guy here. My last day at work is June 12th and I'm not going back. At this point, my plan is to take the summer and just focus on learning to be a mom and getting to know the baby. After that, I will work part time for the church taking care of a lot of administrative tasks that need to be a priority. This will allow me complete flexibility with quite a bit of work I can do from home and it will be nice for me to give more time and energy to the church. From there, we'll see. Eventually, when the baby is older I would like to go back to school social work at least part time. I'm just leaving it all in God's hands since He's been handling things really well so far :)
I'm feeling good some days and bad others. Jermale remains very helpful and caring, but I think he too is ready for me to not be pregnant anymore. Still, we know an infant will be a whole new set of joys and challenges. Jermale is getting more comfortable at Lamar and enjoying it more. Thie church is busy and we still need more people to step up and help in certain areas, but we are making progress and God is blessing Impact.
That's about it for now. Leave us comments we miss all of you!!!!!
~The Eddies
That is a nice plant, in your first picture! Wow!
Jermale, you are a dork.
Anissa, there are borders you can buy that are removable I believe. They are already sticky backed and just peel right off when the time is right. I think you can search for them online, I am not sure which stores carry them but I had a girlfriend who had one in her nursery. On that note, your nursery is so cute! I love the stuff you guys picked out - He is going to be one lucky baby.
You are very fortunate to be able to stay home with him and also work part time when the time is right. That has always been a dream of mine. While you're day won't be spent eating bon bons and watching daytime TV, you will get to spend it with him which is, I believe, the best thing for everyone. You will be busy!! I'm so excited for you guys!!
Also I am sure people read your blog, they probably just don't comment b/c they don't have a blogger account - maybe they don't know they can still comment w/o one? I like how Jermale has your blog at the bottom of his email signature. Maybe you can do the same?
Hope you are having a great day - you look so beautiful in that pic!!
Talk to you soon.
Yes, Jermale your plant is great. I know I don't take care of them, but I promise I will do better with your son LOL!
Becky, thanks for the advice. We actually already have a border that matches the bed set and it says "pre-pasted and strippable" I'm guessing that measn it will come off easy, but the directions are really unclear. I'm willing to try it and take the risk of possibly putting in some work to get it off later...
testing one two three.
we're out here!
Sounds like things are all coming together and that you're both READY as ever for the arrival of baby Eddie. Can't wait to meet this little one.
And Anissa, it sounds like you're wrapping up stuff at work which must feel wonderful! Oh and do you remember the For Students Only monologue poster we made? You know, the one that looks like a tic-tac-toe board with our photos? Well, Annie Mas dug it up and sent me a copy. I couldn't stop laughing at how young we used to be.
Jermale, super curious to hear more about this gig at Lamar and more updates on the church. We just had lunch with "the family" last week and was wishing you could be there to hear us. Shame!
Miss you both.
I don't know if I know Becca, but I was thinking the same thing! There are some pretty cute adhesive wall stuff that is easily removeable...
I read your blog! Keep updating! I'm going to want even more details once this little kiddo is born:)
I love the nursery! It looks like you guys are definitely ready for the little Eddie to to join the family. We miss you guys and hope all is well. The weather is looking pretty warm down there. Hopefully your still able to manage your curls :)
Love ya!
Anissa, I read your blog. I don't have an account but because of your blog, I'm thinking about making my own! Congrats on the new addition and the baby room looks great!
cute - cute :) I didn't realize you were leaving your job. that'll be nice - less stress :)
Hi Anissa and Jermale! Love the pictures of the nursery!
hey anissa. i havent been on the site in a while, but i am here. - regina p. - gr
Yay! Thanks for all the comments friends :)
Hi Anissa,
I read the blog and love it--plus it's great to see what is going on with your life and with your updates I'm thrilled to hear that all is going well. I touch base with Jessica every now and again and it seems like between the both of you and several of my other friends having babies that the trend might just spread...not yet though! I'm so happy for you both and wish you lived closer so I could meet your little one after the arrival. Best wishes for an easy, quick labor and I can't wait for pictures! xoxox, Lily
anissa! congratulations and everything, it's so exciting :)
i've been reading your blog and it's great to hear how it's all going.
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